Sunday, October 16, 2016

Alt Right Porn, Weaponized Abuse Stories, and Mass Spiritual Awakening

by Rosicrucian Imperator
David Griffin

In my opinion, there is a mass spiritual awakening underway in the USA, unlike anything ever seen in my lifetime.

Whether you support Donald Trump or you are against him, one thing is certain...

Win or lose, America will never be the same again after this election.

The single most important thing that has occurred, in my opinion, is that a huge cross section of the American public are awakening to see how weaponized our mainstream media has become.

In the past, the media at least attempted to maintain at least the illusion of impartiality and objectivity, especially in major elections. 

Today, however, as the Wikileaks Podesta emails have unmasked, the mainstream media has been largely largely reduced to the propaganda arm of the Clinton campaign and a means to rig the debates by getting the questions in advance, etc.

And then there is social media ...

DISCLAIMER: I certainly do not support any man groping women against their will.

But what happened over the past week appears to be more sinister than things appear, as Leslie and I discovered by happenstance.

One of my Facebook friends, it turns out, is heavily involved in the Clinton campaign. She even has a picture of herself and her husband together with Hillary Clinton as her Facebook banner photo.

I have therefore been keeping a watchful eye on her page in recent months, to better analyze and understand what the Clinton campaign is really up to.

Last Sunday, together with Leslie, I watched a new interview with Juanita Broaddrick, who accuses Bill Clinton of having raped her and bloodied her lip. You can watch the Broaddrick interview HERE (WARNING! Not for the faint of heart).

Juanita Broaddrick

I was sickened by what I saw and heard Bill Clinton did, even by how badly Ms. Broaddrick was subsequently mistreated by the media and the Clintons over the years. Leslie was so upset by it, she couldn't sit through entire interview.

Imagine how what happened next on Facebook astonished us!

Monday morning , October 10, our Clinton activist friend, published a long personal missive on her Facebook page about "how she had been groped in her youth by a man in an elevator, how traumatic this experience had been for her, and how this is the first time she had talked about it."

Of course, Leslie and I felt empathy for our friend and what she had gone through. There was something that felt wrong about this post though. The feelings apparently were genuine and I do not doubt her story at all. The problem is though, that at the end of the very same post, our friend weaponised the entire story, attempting to engender outrage towards the Republican nominee in the presidential election, Donald Trump. Our suspicions were confirmed over the course of the week. This story was perfectly in line with Clinton campaign talking points for the week.

The post was quickly followed up by army of  commenters agreeing with the poster, pointing out how terrible an abuser or women Donald Trump is, and talking about their own rape experiences.

Leslie and I nonetheless our friend the benefit of the doubt. All women who claim they have been abused deserve to be given the benefit of the doubt. This is very important for recovery.

But still, in the interest of emotional honesty, Leslie posted a comment with a link to the Juanita Broaddrick interview, agreeing with our friend, and pointing out that also Juanita Broaddrick deserves the same right to be heard and deserves the same support as any other woman.

Guess what the response was over there? Leslie basically got run off the page. 

Astonishingly, one poster, "David K", commented almost immediately, calling Juanita Broaddrick’s heart wrenching interview „Alt Right porn,“ simply because the interview was hosted on Breitbart news' website as well as on YouTube!

Leslie pointed out the hypocrisy of saying on one hand that victims of abuse deserve to be heard, -
but refusing to give Juanita Broaddrick a fair hearing, merely because Bill Clinton is the accused rapist rather than Donald Trump. 

After other commenters supported "alt right porn" commenter, Leslie and I left the conversation immediately in astonishment, and went on about our business. 

The next day we checked in on the page - and guess what?

Entire MONTHS of pro-Clinton activism and manipulative propaganda had been completely sanitized from the Facebook page - all the way back to August 1! Why? Merely to keep the story of Juanita Broaddrick suppressed from reaching the audience of that page? Wow! Astonishing.

We had read somewhere about how the Clinton campaign has a army of social media trolls paid to manipulate public opinion. We can now confirm this having had a first hand encounter with one such operation.

Such social media propaganda operations are easy to disperse it appears, because they can not stand up to shining a light of truth on them. All those posts on that page. All those cleverly crafted memes designed to inflict maximum damage on the opponents reputation. All of the weaponized feelings All of it - Poof! Gone. Suddenly disappeared like cockroaches scampering away from the light.

In closing, let’s come back to mainstream media and the awakening sweeping across our nation.

It would be one thing if they only weaponised the nightly news. Sadly, this is not the case though. They have weaponised EVERYTHING, from NFL football to Jimmy Kimmel and Saturday Night Live. They have turned the applied anthropologists loose to manipulate public opinion on ALL network programming these days.

Thank you, mainstream media, for being so zealous in your social programming agenda that you have exposed your rigged game for all to see.

A recent poll shows that only 6% of Americans continue to trust what they hear in mainstream news. All across America, people are waking up from the trance.

"Awakening sister and brother Americans .. 
We call you from hypnotic slumber 
into waking truth!
Quit the night and seek the day!"

No matter who you will vote for this November 8, we can ALL still reclaim our power together in the mass awakening sweeping across America. How do you awaken? It's easy.

"Just Turn Off TV!"


  1. I understand the issues with Hillary, as I do not like her personally. I'm a Gary Johnson supporter. My second choice would have been Bernie Sanders, though I had my serious issues with some of his economic principles. Anyway, my friend Shawn Lucas, with whom I grew up in the punk and hardcore music scene in Washington, DC, was responsible for serving the DNC a lawsuit for falsifying numbers and choosing Hillary over Bernie Sanders. Shawn was found dead mysteriously on his bathroom floor. He was a good dude; not into drugs or a wild lifestyle. He kept himself in great shape and was an avid practitioner of Brazilian Jiujitsu. That occurred about two months ago. To this date, we have no explanation of how he died from the coroner. That being said, my main issues with Donald Trump have nothing to do with his foul talk about women. The man is an asshole but there have been many in this nation in seats of power. My issue with Donald Trump is that the man supports taking the discussion of illegal immigration specifically in the way of illegal Latinos, despite the fact that we have illegal Irish, Russians, Vietnamese, Koreans, Filipinos and many, many others who overstay their work and study visas to stay in this country illegally. Nevertheless, the issue is always those damn Latinos. That seems racist to me. The issue with trying to keep out all Muslims when we know that there are well over a billion Muslims worldwide; i.e. a religion that makes up about 1/4 of this planet's human population, because less than 1/10 of 1% of them are either part of a terrorist network or support one is one of the most sheer cases of bigotry that I have ever witnessed. It goes completely against our fundamental Constitutional principles of our rights in this nation. Then we have the issues of LGBT rights and other issues. But basically, to me, supporting Donald Trump means -- literally -- supporting Klansman Bob's favorite candidate. And I'll be damned if that's going to be me.

  2. Thanks for your post David and I couldn't agree with you more. The media has become the front line on the public relations war sided on the liberal agenda to the point of blatantly exposing it's self. What I find even more troublesome is that it doesn't stop there and is also being propagated by paid trolls on social media. Indeed we have never seen such no holds barred attack campaigns of muck raking and mud slinging that is just simply appalling to see our nation behave this way. Didn't there used to be rules of warfare? Didn't there used to be some sense of sportsmanship? Ah well I'm glad you pointed it out and hope that others do too.
    Dr. Adam Thoth

  3. This post is not necessarily pro-Trump. It is, however, definitely pro-humanity, anti-tyranny, and anti-hypocrisy.

    1. I agree. Sometimes I am dumbfounded that so many can't "see" what's right there. I don't understand. It's like we were programmed to believe whatever we are told.

  4. I certainly don't see this article as pro Trump, more of a commentary on the situation. Sometimes when you tell it like it is people would rather take offense than see a clear reality and maintain the comfort of their viewpoint and faith in the supposed righteousness of a particular cause or Political dogma. We all see what we want to see be it positive or negative.

  5. Spartacus, I'm Latino, but not your "damn latino". We can discuss this later if you wish and I can lecture you about latino issues, so don't fuck with it.

    I don't see this post pro-Trump, rather I see this article on how the media is well aligned to accomplish the goal of deceiving and covering really disturbing crimes that have been commited by one of the candidates, which I can mention among them: arming and financing of the Daesh (misleadingly called ISIS); the assasination of the US Embassador in Bengazi, Libia, which the whole thing was under the jurisdiction of the other candidate; complicity with the Saudis (who provided 15 out of the 19 terrorists of the 9/11 attack); and the list can go on.

    Nowhere on this post it was mentioned the article it was pro-Trum, and instead pointed to the fact of the real sex crimes commited against other women and how they have been silenced by the media.

    I don't know if I will be able to read your response, since I'm a busy man, but as for the "damn latinos", make sure you're not also fucked up mentally by the media.


    1. Bravo. I have always admired your forthrightness, Frater VL.

  6. To me, as someone who considers fairness in my actions, I do have a very hard time visiting Mrs. Clinton with the sins of Mr. Bill Clinton. I cannot easily extrapolate Mr. Clinton's transgressions to Mrs. Clinton. Perhaps, her style in responding to Bill's accusers in the past may have been over the top, yet I do find sympathy with a woman who was determined to protect and stand by her husband and family.

    If Bill Clinton is on the ballot, I can see the equivalence. Trump is being evaluated and judged by his personal actions and statements and many people do not find Hillary Clinton complicit with Trump's actions.

    Finally, Juanita Broaddrick has made her case to the American people for a long time .... against Bill Clinton. Most people remember Clinton's impeachment and such is not a very good legacy for a President. Juanita has had her day in the court of American public opinion many years ago. To resurrect her accusations against Bill Clinton each time a "Clinton" is mentioned is beginning to wear thin. Also, at her age, there must be a distinction now between "being used" and the need to make a case to the American people and generate deserved sympathy and considerations.

    Mr. Trump does not appear to be a good politician. There is no need for him to disparage many people .... Mexicans, Muslims, Minorities ....etc. A good Politician should be adding and bringing people together not spitting in their faces.

    One thing is clear .... as in the past, our Country will survive this election.

    1. Dude. This article is not about Donald Trump. It is about how the media is hypnotising and brainwashing the American people. But since you mention it, Hillary Clinton does not have a clean slate with Bill's victims. Hillary is accused of intimidation, slilencing, etc. Bill's victims are terrified of Hillary, according to this interview.

    2. Yes and if you look into the backgrounds of all these talking heads and newscasters you'll see family connections to big money corps. They keep it all in the family.

  7. "Exclusive Video–Broaddrick, Willey, Jones to Bill Clinton’s Defenders: ‘These Are Crimes,’ ‘Terrified’ of ‘Enabler’ Hillary"

  8. It is amazing. I live in Bulgaria (European Union), and our media are playing the same game. It is all weoponized. I wonder why we should be concerned about it. Then I realized that who will win the elections matter not only in USA but in the entire world. For us it is more important who is the president of the USA that who is our president. That is crazy.

  9. I know Mr. Trump from a business standpoint. I ignore his diatribe since he acts like a common man. I have been victimized and have had to try and fix the problems caused by Hillary and Slick Willie in Michigan. Regardless of all the people you'd like to see become president I must state this. There are only TWO CHOICES. Either you talk about how you cannot stand a person who reacts to the blatant and criminal attacks upon his person and think he should somehow STOP being human and react like Romney or Gingrich who lost to DNC and the media if you remember, (I know most of you forget past a couple weeks ago) or you vote for Lucifer. ALL OF YOU WOULD REACT THE SAME WAY DONALD TRUMP IS REACTING TO ALL THE COMBINED ATTACKS AND YOU KNOW IT!

    So either vote with Lucifer or Vote for a chance to not go to hell. Sorry to be so blunt, but you people are all two faced. You want another Christ but cannot stand a person that uses business tactics versus criminal tactics! Try and remember all the others that lost to the DNC machine. If you do not choose Mr. Trump then you are voting for Hillary - the company that used to be known as A.C.O.R.N. will change your vote for you.

  10. Great article! I'm uplifted by the fact that it is you who wrote it David. At last! i am not alone anymore. My awakening came in 1992. It was abrupt and very painful. It's been a very tough and lonely road ever since. I've hear some people talk on the net about this awakening but there was nothing to see that enforced this revelation. But today, reading this article from a magician that i like and respect... finally acknowledges what i have longed for so long.

    God bless you David. I love you and your very lovely wife.

    From a friend and fellow magician.

  11. Yes. You should vote Trump and don't be a hypocrite. To David: it's nice to be responsible like that. I vouch for you.

  12. The purpose of this article is not to engender discussion about which candidate is better. The question at hand is the hypnotic trance that a significatn portion of the population is still under. Just turn off TV!
